Thought bubbles

Sometimes the wisest thing to say is: “I don´t know”

What is hatespeech anyway? Speech somebody hates to hear?

The real challenge is not to BE wild, but to STAY wild

When a friend tells me that I´m acting or talking like an idiot I try to at least consider that (s)he is right about it

…and sometimes it seems to me the world is one huge waiting room where everybody´s killing time while some ask themselves, and others argue about, what exactly we all are waiting for in the first place – and why

I think I am beginning to come to terms with the idea that there are things that I will never come to terms with

If the universe had a mute button which automatically muted every stupid remark, the world would be fantastically qu

Turn off the TV.
Read “1984” (G.Orwell)
Turn the TV back on.

When an “angel” comes to your rescue, don´t necessarily expect some kind of “instant miracle healing” but rather a long, hard journey. Eventually you´ll come to a point where you have to let go of your “angel” to grow your own pair of wings. That´s the hardest part

Depression, simply put, really is the inability to meet your own expectations of yourself

Sometimes it´s hard to see the “truth” through the veil of so called “reality”

There are times when playing live doesn´t make any sense to me.
But then again, not doing it makes even less sense.

In a modern civilized literate society “stupidity” is a deliberate choice and not some kind of inevitable fate

️I allow myself every childish thought and do my best to permit myself to act childish at least every once in a while

I am hoping and waiting for the day when war is something people only know from action movies